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NHRI-EX107-10523EI 利用微流體元件研究內皮細胞於氧氣梯度下之遷徙(Study Endothelial Cell Migration under Oxygen Gradients Using Microfluidic Devices) 董奕鐘
中央研究院 第9屆台日奈米醫學會議暨環太平洋奈米醫學會議(The 9th Japan-Taiwan Symposium on Nanomedicine-Pacific Rim Nanomedcine) 2018.01.24-2018.01.26 Kobe, Japan(日本神戶)
NHRI-EX107-10403PI 作業治療的卒中康復與活動監測:科技與生活功能(Enablement Activity Monitoring in Occupational Therapy After Stroke: Linking Technology and Life Functioning) 林克忠
國立臺灣大學 2018國際作業治療研討會(International Occupational Therapy Conference 2018) 2018.03.29-2018.04.01 中國昆明
NHRI-EX107-10506SI gsdf基因在早期卵母細胞的功能(Function of gsdf in Early Stage Oocytes) 鍾邦柱
中央研究院 第8屆國際脊椎動物性別決定會議(8th International Symposium on Vetebrate Sex Determination) 2018.04.16-2018.04.20 Kona, Hawaii, USA
NHRI-EX107-10511SI 粒線體動態平衡參與在肌肉胰島素阻抗的機制(The Involvement of Mitochondrial Dynamics in Development of Muscle Insulin Resistance) 蔡曜聲
國立成功大學 第1屆國際粒線體年輕學者會議&楔心石研討會議:粒線體生物學及選擇性自嗜作用(YoungMito Meeting & Keystone Symposia on Mitochondria Biology and Selective Autophay) 2018.04.20-2018.04.27 Kyoto City, Japan(日本京都)
NHRI-EX107-10601BI ARL4D-EB1 在調控細胞微管變動的分子機制(Arl4D Modulates Microtuble Dynamics via Its Interaction with EB1) 李芳仁
國立臺灣大學 2018實驗生物學國際研討會(Experimental Biology 2018) 2018.04.21-2018.04.25 San Diego, California, USA(美國聖地牙哥)
NHRI-EX107-10628NI 研究TDP-43寡聚體在神經退行性疾病中的作用(Investigation the Role of TDP-43 Oligomers in Neurodegenerative Diseases) 陳韻如
中央研究院 2018分子暨細胞生物學會議(2018 Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology) 2018.04.22-2018.04.26 Kyoto City, Japan(日本京都)
NHRI-EX107-10404PI Examining the Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms Impact on the Cognitive Flexibility in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders 高淑芬
國立臺灣大學 2017國際自閉症研究大會(International Meeting for Autism Research 2017) 2018.05.09-2018.05.12 Rotterdam, Netherlands(荷蘭鹿特丹)
NHRI-EX107-10707BI Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition(EMT) Beyond EGFR Mutations Per Se Is A Common Mechanism of EGFR TKI Acquired Resistance 陳青周
國立臺灣大學 2nd Annual Advance in Transgenic Technology USA Congress Synthetic Biology USA Congress 2018.05.10-2018.05.11 Boston, MA, U.S.A.(美國波士頓)
NHRI-EX107-10723SC Trained Innate Immunity and Metabolic Regulation of Sepsis 鄭世進
國立清華大學 美國胸腔學會年會(American Thoracic Society Conference 2018) 2018.05.18-2018.05.23 San Diego, California, USA(美國聖地牙哥)
NHRI-EX107-10718PC 孩童肥胖與氣喘的因果關係:雙向孟爾隨機化分析(Causal Relationship between Adiposity and Asthma in Children: Bi-directional Mendelian Randomization Analysis) 陳揚卿
臺北市立聯合醫院 歐洲肥胖醫學會(25th European Congress on Obesity) 2018.05.23-2018.05.26 Vienna, Austriar(奧地利維也納)
NHRI-EX107-10510PC 慢性腎臟病患者接受低磷飲食對於降低FGF-23之效果 (Effects of Lower Phosphate Diets on Fibrolast Growth Factor-23 in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease) 吳泓彥
亞東紀念醫院 第55屆歐洲腎臟醫學會/歐洲透析及移植醫學會年會(55th European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association Congress) 2018.05.24-2018.05.27 丹麥哥本哈根
NHRI-EX107-10528PI Eicosapentaenoic and Docosahexaenoic Acids Have Different Effects on Peripheral Phospholipase A2 Gene Expressions in Acute Depressed Patients 蘇冠賓
中國醫藥大學 第13屆國際脂肪酸和脂質研究學會年會(13th Congress for the International Society of Fatty Acid and Lipids) 2018.05.26-2018.05.31 Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.(美國拉斯維加斯)
NHRI-EX107-10520BI Characterization of Gut Microbiota and Virulence Factors in Colon Carcinogenesis: Potential Antibiotic Therapy and Role of Epithelial Invasive Escherichia) 余佳慧
國立臺灣大學 消化道疾病週會議2018(Digestive Disease Week 2018) 2018.06.02-2018.06.05 Washington D.C., USA(美國華盛頓特區)
NHRI-EX107-10726BI ZNF322A蛋白轉錄抑制c-Myc表現以誘導幹特性(Oncogenic Zinc Finger Protein ZNF322A Promotes Lung Cancer Stemness through Transcriptionally Suppressing c-Myc Expression) 王憶卿
國立成功大學 2018第24屆IUBMB大會及第15屆FAOBMB大會(24th IUBMB Congress and 15th FAOBMB Congress 2018) 2018.06.04-2018.06.08 Seoul, Korea(韓國首爾)
NHRI-EX107-10632SI 經由發炎及病毒感染造成樹突細胞發育的重整(Reprogramming of DC Development from Common Lymphoid Progenitor by Inflammation and Viral Infection) 李建國
國立臺灣大學 第15屆國際樹突細胞研討會(The 15th International Symposium on Dendritic Cells) 2018.06.10-2018.06.14 Aachen, Germany(德國亞琛)
NHRI-EX107-10304PI 尼古丁乙醯膽鹼受體單元基因與戒必適戒菸成效之藥物基因學研究(Pharmacogenetic Study of the Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Submit Genes and Smoking Cessation among Smokers Receiving Varenicline Treatment) 林明薇
國立陽明大學 2018歐洲人類遺傳學會議(European Human Genetics Conference 2018) 2018.06.16-2018.06.19 Milan, Italy(義大利米蘭)
NHRI-EX107-10611EI 白質損傷在健康成年大人大腦的非線性增長模式:跨生命週期研究(Nonlinear Pattern of the Emergence of white Matter Hyperintensity in Healthy Han Chinese: An Adult Lifespan Study) 林慶波
國立陽明大學 國際磁核共振醫學學會年會(International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2018 Annual Meeting) 2018.06.16-2018.06.21 Paris, France(法國巴黎)
NHRI-EX107-10727EI 經校正運動後的皮質分層靜息態功能性核磁共振影像(Cortical Depth Depedent Resting State fMRI with Motion Correction) 林發暄
國立臺灣大學 國際磁核共振醫學學會年會(International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2018 Annual Meeting) 2018.06.16-2018.06.21 Paris, France(法國巴黎)
NHRI-EX107-10512SI Copy Number Variant Hotspots in Han Tauwanese Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Lines- Lessons from Establishing the Taiwan Human Disease Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Consortium iPSC Bank 謝清河
中央研究院 2018國際幹細胞研究學會年度會議(ISSCR 2018 Annual Meeting) 2018.06.20-2018.06.23 Melbourne, Australia(澳洲墨爾本)
NHRI-EX107-10525EI 已可控制的壓迫性模型重現壓迫性神經疼痛之多重功能性損傷(Controllable Compression Model to Recapitulate Variable Functional Loss in Compressive Neuropathy) 吳佳慶
國立成功大學 2018UC全系統生物工程研討會(2018 Annual UC Systemwide Bioengineering Symposium) 2018.06.21-2018.06.23 Los Angeles, California, USA(美國洛杉磯)
NHRI-EX107-10623BI Kaposi’s Sarcoma-associated Herpesvirus Stably Clusters Its Genomes across Generations to Maintain Itself Extrachomosomally 邱亞芳
長庚大學 鼻咽癌Gordon研討會(Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Gordon Research Conference) 2018.06.24-2018.06.29 Hong Kong(香港)
NHRI-EX107-10507EC 應用次世代定序探討癲癇與陣發性動作障礙症之基因學與臨床表徵之重疊相關性(Phenotypic and Genetic Overlapping of Epilepsy and Paroxysmal Dyskinesia: Application of the Next-generation Sequencing) 劉祐岑
臺北榮民總醫院 第12屆亞洲大洋洲癲癇大會(12th Asian & Oceanian Epilepsy Congress, 2018) 2018.06.28-2018.07.01 印尼峇厘島
NHRI-EX107-10710BC 運用循環攝護腺癌腫瘤細胞之單細胞基因表達定序資料進行差別網絡分析(Differential Network Analysis Using Single-cell RNA-Seq Data of Circulating Prostate Tumor Cells) 蕭自宏
臺中榮民總醫院 2018年分子生物學智慧系統年度國際研討會(The Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) 2018) 2018.07.06-2018.07.10 Chicago, Illinois, USA(美國伊利諾州芝加哥)
NHRI-EX107-10614NI 學習刺激對阿茲海默小鼠功能和病理缺陷的影響(The Effect of Learning stimulation on Functional and Pathological Deficits in hAPP Transgenic Mice) 鄭菡若
國立陽明大學 2018歐洲神經科學年會(FENS Meeting 2018) 2018.07.07-2018.07.11 Berlin, Germany, Europe(德國柏林)

1.韌帶疲勞負載力學感受:膠原蛋白結構與材料機械性質(Mechanosensing of Tendon Fatigue Damage: Role of Collagen Organization versus Altered Tissue Mechanics)

2.彎曲細胞之細胞核應變衰減(Nuclear Stain Attenuation in Wavy Cells)

3.功能性韌帶組織工程:交替生長激素促進間質累積(Sequential Growth Factor Supplementation Pr

國立臺灣大學 世界生物力學大會(World Congress of Biomechanics) 2018.07.08-2018.07.12 愛爾蘭都柏林

1.結合跨顱直流電刺激與鏡像治療對腦中風患者動作控制,動作表現和日常功能的影響( Effects of Combining Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation with Mirror Therapy on Motor Control, Motor Performance and Daily Function in Stroke Patients: A Pilot Study)

2.認知訓練和有氧運動混合治療的直接和長期效應的試驗研究(A Pilot Study

長庚大學 第12屆ISPRM世界大會(The 12th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine World Congress) 2018.07.08-2018.07.12 Paris, France(法國巴黎)
NHRI-EX107-10714EI 肺泡上皮細胞的影響(Impact of Pulmonary Alveolar Epithelial Cells of Human Lung on Microfluidic Chips) 陳冠宇
國立交通大學 第40屆藥物工程與國際研討會(40th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society) 2018.07.17-2018.07.21 美國檀香山
NHRI-EX107-10728EI ss-DNA適體篩選之微流體系統及快速檢測之應用(Screening of -DNA Aptamers on Integrated Microfluidic Systems and Their Applications for Fast Diagnosis) 李國賓
國立清華大學 標靶核酸偵測及傳遞國際研討會(AIP Horizon: Targrted nucleic Acid Detection and Delivery ) 2018.07.22-2018.07.24 美國印地安納州南灣市
NHRI-EX107-10526EI 利用碎形維度和小世界網絡分析阿茲海默症輕度認知障礙與正常人的差異 (Analyze the Difference Between Alzheimer’s Disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment and Normal People by Using Fractal Dimensions and Small-World Network) 吳育德
國立陽明大學 醫學工程與科學國際研討會(BIOENG 2018) 2018.07.30-2018.08.02 Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.(美國拉斯維加斯)
NHRI-EX107-10410EI 小鼠的無疤痕癒合是藉由延遲性交原蛋白生成及少量纖維母細胞活化(Scarless Healing in Adult Mice Is Achieved by Delayed Collagen Network Regeneration without Myofibroblast Activation) 林頌然
國立台灣大學 Gordon Research Conference: Tissue Niches and Resident Stem Cells in Adult Epithelia 2018.08.19-2018.08.24 Waterville Valley, New Hampshire, USA
NHRI-EX107-10629PI 青少年與年輕成人尿液鉛、鎘濃度與無症狀動脈粥狀硬化之正相關研究(Positive Association between Urinary Concentration of Lead, Cadmium and Subclinical Adolescents and Young Agults) 蘇大成
國立臺灣大學 2018國際會議環境流行病學研討會(2018 Annual Conference of the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology) 2018.08.26-2018.08.30 加拿大渥太華
NHRI-EX107-10508NI 海馬迴長軸迴路的連結與功能(Connectivity and Function of a Longitudinal Hippocampal Circuitry) 連正章
國立陽明大學 第29屆離子通道與治療會議(29th Ion Channel Meeting) 2018.09.09-2018.09.12 Sete, France(法國賽特)
NHRI-EX107-10720SI 探討人胃癌誘導的多能性幹細胞如何以HOXA13和長鏈非編碼RNA經由組蛋白甲基化來控制腫瘤發生率(HOXA13 and Long Noncoding RNA Control Tumorigenicity of Human Gastric Cancer Derived Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells via Histone Methylation) 橫山一成
高雄醫學大學 冷泉港國際會議-表觀遺傳與染色質(CSHL Meeting: Epigenetics & Chromatin) 2018.09.11-2018.09.15 Cold Spring Habor Laboratory, New York, USA(美國紐約州冷泉港實驗室)
NHRI-EX107-10615NC 體感覺<癢覺與痛覺>之大腦處理機制與交互作用(Cerebral Representation of Itch and Pain and Their Interaction) 曾明宗
國立臺灣大學 第17屆世界疼痛大會(17th World Congress on Pain) 2018.09.12-2018.09.16 Boston, MA, U.S.A.(美國波士頓)
NHRI-EX107-10706BI Blocking ADAM9 Activity Attenuates Lung Cancer Progression 佘玉萍
中國醫藥大學 The 10th EMBO Workshop-cellular Signaling and Cancer Therapy 2018.09.14-2018.09.18 克羅埃西亞杜布羅夫尼克
NHRI-EX107-10514BI 幅射線促進類腫瘤相關細胞載體的腫瘤趨向性(Irradiation Promotes the Tumor-homing Ability of Tumor-associated Macrophages-like Nanoparticles) 江啟勳
國立清華大學 第64屆輻射線研究學會年會(64th Annual meeting of Radiation Research Society) 2018.09.23-2018.09.26 Chicago, Illinois, USA(美國伊利諾州芝加哥)
NHRI-EX107-10712EI 40MHz超快速超音波血流造影技術(40MHz Ultrasound Imaging for blood FlowMapping in Brain) 黃執中
國立成功大學 第11屆國際生醫超音波顯影研討會(11th International Conference on Ultrasonic Biomedical Micro-scanning) 2018.09.23-2018.09.26 Lakeville, CT, USA
NHRI-EX107-10529NI 粒線體壓力誘發線蟲迴避細菌的神經機制(Investigation of the Neural Basis for Bzcterial Avoidance Behavior upon Mitochondrial Insults in C. Elegans) 潘俊良
國立臺灣大學 2016Cold Spring Habor Laboratory Meeting for Molecular Mechanisms of Neuronal Connectivity 2018.09.25-2018.09.29 Cold Spring Habor Laboratory, New York, USA(美國紐約州冷泉港實驗室)
NHRI-EX107-10530PI Ectopic ATP Synthease Blockade Overcomes Gefitinib-resistance via CK2α/TOP2A/GAS5 Axis 黃宣誠
國立陽明大學 第77屆日本癌症協會年會(The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association) 2018.09.27-2018.09.29 Osaka, Japan(日本大阪)
NHRI-EX107-10702BI 探討ZBTB46失調促進轉移性去勢抵抗性前列腺癌之研究(Dyregulation of AR-miR-1 Axis Induced-ZBTB46 Promotes Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer) 劉晏年
臺北醫學大學 第77屆日本癌症協會年會(The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association) 2018.09.27-2018.09.29 Osaka, Japan(日本大阪)
NHRI-EX107-10709BI MYCN-mediated Purine Biosynthesis Enhances Cancer Metabolism via MTHFD2 and PAICS in Neuroblastoma 阮雪芬
國立臺灣大學 第77屆日本癌症協會年會(The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association) 2018.09.27-2018.09.29 Osaka, Japan(日本大阪)
NHRI-EX107-10610BC 表關遺傳治療經由非調降PD-1之方式重建肺癌病人惡性胸水T細胞之多功能性(Epigenetic Therapy Restores Polyfunctionality of Malignant Pleural Effusion T Cells in Patients with Non-small Cell Lung cancer without Downregulation of PD-1) 蔡幸真
國立臺灣大學 AACR國際癌症免疫治療研討會(AACR International Cancer Immunotherapy Conference) 2018.09.30-2018.10.03 New York, USA(美國紐約)
NHRI-EX107-10519BI Immunotherapy of Ovarian Cancer by Targeting Cyclophilin B 鄭文芳
國立臺灣大學 第32屆國際乳突病毒會議和臨床研討會(32nd International Papillomavirus Conference IPVC 2018) 2018.10.02-2018.10.06 Sydney, Australia(澳洲雪梨)
NHRI-EX107-10620BI 由第232號絲胺酸經235及238號絲胺酸所介導的非結構蛋白5A分子內連續性磷酸化現象(Sequential Intramolecular Phosphorylation from Serine 232 through Serine235 to Serine238 of the Hepatitis C Virus Non-Structural Protein 5A) 余明俊
國立臺灣大學 第25屆國際C型肝炎病毒暨相關病毒會議(25th International Symposium on Hepatitis C Virus and Related Viruses) 2018.10.08-2018.10.11 愛爾蘭都柏林
NHRI-EX107-10414PC Targeted Next-generation Sequencing Facilitates Genetic Diagnosis and Provides Novel Pathogenetic Insights into Deafness with Enlarged Vestibular Aqueduct 吳振吉
國立臺灣大學 2018美國人類遺傳學協會年會(2018 American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting) 2018.10.16-2018.10.20 San Diego, California, USA(美國聖地牙哥)

1. A Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Uric Acid-Related Genetic Variants in the Taiwanese Population

2. Depressive State-Related Biomarkers Detected by Whole-Blood RNA Sequencing

國立臺灣大學 2018美國人類遺傳學協會年會(2018 American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting) 2018.10.16-2018.10.20 San Diego, California, USA(美國聖地牙哥)
NHRI-EX107-10704PI 個別性互動介入隨機對照臨床實驗於改善癌症末期病人心理症狀,生活品質,以及臨終照顧喜好與實際接受維生治療的一致的效益(Effectiveness of a Randomized Control Trial of an Individualized, Interactive Advance Care Planning Intervention in Improving Terminally Ill Cancer Patients’ Psychological Symptoms, Quality of Life and Concordance between Preferred and Received Life-Sustaining Treatments) 唐秀治
長庚大學 2018歐洲腫瘤內科學會年會(ESMO 2018 Congress) 2018.10.19-2018.10.23 Munich, Germany, Europe(德國慕尼黑)
NHRI-EX107-10517BI PKM2作為調控癌症代謝的標靶(PKM2, A Target for Regulating Cancer Metabolism) 王雯靜
國立清華大學 2018世界生命科學大會(2018 World Life Science Conference) 2018.10.26-2018.10.29 Bejjing, China(中國北京)
NHRI-EX107-10405PI 髖部骨折老人之家庭照護(Family Caregivings for Hip Fractured Older Persons) 徐亞瑛
長庚大學 美國護理科學院2018年健康轉型推動政策會議(American Academy of Nursing’s 2018Transforming Health, Driving Policy Conference) 2018.11.01-2018.11.03 Washington D.C., USA(美國華盛頓特區)
NHRI-EX107-10412NC 1.Hypothermia but Not MK801 Protects Against Brain Infarction Caused by Distal Middle Cerebral Arterial Occlusion 2.Rapid and Reversible Disruption of the Blood-Brain Barrier through Carbogen Inhalation 賴威達
中國醫藥大學 國際神經科學學會年會( Society for Neuroscience) 2018.11.03-2018.11.07 San Diego, California, USA(美國聖地牙哥)
NHRI-EX107-10733NI α6GABAAR選擇性調節劑是神經精神疾病的新療方(α6GABAAR-selective Positive Allosteric Modulators: A novel Pharmacotherapy for Neuropsychiatric Disorders) 邱麗珠
國立台灣大學 國際神經科學學會年會( Society for Neuroscience) 2018.11.03-2018.11.07 San Diego, California, USA(美國聖地牙哥)
NHRI-EX107-10725BI 間質蛋白?抑制第二型蛋白的下降、促使人類非小型細胞肺癌細胞侵襲力和轉移上升藉由調節上升細胞外蛋白水解能力(Down-regulation of HAI-2 Promotes Human Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma Cell Invasion and Metastasis via Up-regulation of Pericellular Proteolysis) 李明學
國立臺灣大學 第3屆歐洲癌症研究協會-使醫療個人化:癌症精準醫療(3rd EACR Conference-Making It Personal: Cancer Precision Medicine) 2018.11.05-2018.11.07 Bergamo, Italy(義大利貝爾加莫)
NHRI-EX107-10724SC SGLT2抑制劑empagliflozin在高血壓心衰竭大鼠表現心臟與腎臟保護作用(The Sodium-glucose Co-transporter 2 Inhibitor Empagliflozin Exhibits Cardiac and Renal Protection in Hypertensive heart Failure Rats) 李香君
高雄醫學大學 美國心臟學會年會(American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2018) 2018.11.10-2018.11.12 Chicago, Illinois, USA(美國伊利諾州芝加哥)
NHRI-EX107-10716SC SIC預測心臟疾病造成心肌纖維化及患者長期預後之效力(Signal Intensity Coefficient Predicted the Long Term Outcome in Patient with Cardiac Disease Induced Myocardial Fibrosis) 張瑋婷
奇美醫療財團法人 歐洲心臟超音波學會2018年會(EuroEcho 2018) 2018.12.04-2018.12.08 Milan, Italy(義大利米蘭)
NHRI-EX107-10531SI 核受體結合蛋白是神經肌肉結合處複合物的結構蛋白(Nuclear Receptor Interaction Protein (NRIP) is a Structural Component of Neuron Muscular Junction Complexes) 陳小梨
國立台灣大學 美國細胞生物學會(2018 ASCB|EMBO Meeting) 2018.12.08-2018.12.12 San Diego, California, USA(美國聖地牙哥)
NHRI-EX107-10602BI Long Noncoding RNA HOTAIR Promotes Invasion of Breast Cancer Cells Through Chondroitin Sulfotransferase CHST15 王紹樁
中國醫藥大學 美國細胞生物學會(2018 ASCB|EMBO Meeting) 2018.12.08-2018.12.12 San Diego, California, USA(美國聖地牙哥)
NHRI-EX107-10605PI miR-195 Regulates the Cross-talk Between Astrocyte and Endothelial Cells to Affect Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) Function 卓夙航
中國醫藥大學 美國細胞生物學會(2018 ASCB|EMBO Meeting) 2018.12.08-2018.12.12 San Diego, California, USA(美國聖地牙哥)
NHRI-EX107-10713EI 使用繩索環繞效應產生的矽藻水膠管微奈米結構應用於細胞生長方向的調控作為類血管組織(Alignment of Cells Growth Orientation by sub-Microstructures Generated During Rope-Coiling Process of Alginate Tube) 曾繁根
國立清華大學 香港國際工程與應用科學研討會(Hong Kong International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science) 2018.12.18-2018.12.20 Hong Kong(香港)

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