
*主持人欄位之括弧( )內所示為NHRI合作執行人。
自105年度起,為鼓勵院內、外學術合作,若有與NHRI研究人員實質合作提出研究計畫申請者,經審查通過,NHRI合作執行人將獲得NHRI院內配合款補助。惟,各申請案無論是否有NHRI研究人員參與皆不影響審查,其審查標準一致為所提 研究計畫是否 符合徵求之研究重點及其科學價值。

計畫名稱 Title of Application 執行機構 Applicant Organization *主持人/(NHRI合作執行人) P.I. Name/(NHRI Researcher) 計畫型態 Type of Application
經顱聚焦式超音波於癲癇病患之神經調控:從癲癇網路的探索到介入性治療 Transcranial Focused Ultrasound(TFUS) Neuromodulation on Epilepsy: From Epileptogenic Network Investigation to Intervention for Drug-resistant Epilepsy 臺北榮民總醫院 Taipei Veterans General Hospital 尤香玉 Yu, Hsiang-Yu IRG
微能量超音波對退化椎間盤治療之轉譯研究 Translational Investigation of Very Low Intensity Ultrasound on the Treatment of Degenerated Intervertebral Disc 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University 王兆麟 Wang, Jaw-Lin IRG
探討神經精神疾病中胼胝體發育不全之病因 Investigating the Causal Mechanism of Developmental Anomaly of the Corpus Callosum in Neuropsychiatric Disorders 中央研究院 Academia Sinica 王桂馨 Wang, Guey-Shin IRG
探討PHF8所介導之胃癌表觀遺傳依賴性 Exploiting PHF8-mediated Epigenetic Dependency in Gastric Cancer 國立清華大學 National Tsing Hua University 王雯靜/ (喻秋華) Wang, Wen-Ching/ (Yuh, Chiou-Hwa) IRG
探討T細胞中PD-1蛋白的轉譯後修飾與運輸對於癌症進展之影響 Impact of PD-1 Post-translational Modifications and Trafficking in T cells on Cancer Progression 國立成功大學 National Cheng Kung University 王憶卿 Wang, Yi-Ching IRG
高級別漿液性卵巢癌輸卵管起源細胞癌化與排卵關係之研究 Cancer Initiation and Progression of Ovarian High-grade Serous Carcinoma Originating from the Oviduct: Role of Ovulation 佛教慈濟醫療財團法人花蓮慈濟醫院 Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation 朱堂元 Chu, Tang Yuan IRG
新穎治療策略應用於阻斷胰臟癌KRAS 回饋環 Novel Approaches for Disrupting KRAS Feedforward Loops in PDAC Treatment 中國醫藥大學 China Medical University 佘玉萍 Sher, Yuh Pyng IRG
生活環境三聚氰胺與塑化劑共暴露對學齡兒童的腎臟傷害影響之研究 Environmental Co-exposure to Melamine and Phthalates and the Risk of Kidney Injury in Schoolchildren 高雄醫學大學 Kaohsiung Medical University 吳明蒼/ (陳主智) Wu, Ming-Tsang/ (Chen, Chu-Chin) IRG
以組織硬度為靶向之放射治療:機制探討與治療策略開發 Targeting Tissue Stiffness in Radiotherapy: Deciphering the Mechanism and Developing Treatment Strategies 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University 李百祺 Li, Pai-Chi IRG
探討在大腸癌癌化過程中透過NUDT16L1影響細胞鐵依賴性死亡不敏感性之調控機制 To Investigate the Role of NUDT16L1 in Ferroptosis Insensitivity during Colon Cancer Progression 國立成功大學 National Cheng Kung University 林世杰 Lin, Shih-Chieh IRG
慢性腎臟病照護與預防之決策分析 : 建構永續健康目標模型 Decision Analysis of Care and Prevention of Chronic Kidney Disease : Establish a Model to Support Sustainable Health Goals 高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院 Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital 林明彥/ (許志成) Lin, Ming Yen/ (Hsu, Chih-Cheng) IRG
阿茲海默症中由澱粉樣蛋白病變至濤蛋白病變進程之機理關聯性剖析:麩胺酸轉運子的角色 Mechanistic Link from Amyloidosis to Tauopathy in Alzheimer’s Disease: role of Glutamate Transporter 國立成功大學 National Cheng Kung University 郭余民 Kuo, Yu-Min IRG
緊密連接蛋白 ZO-1 介導紡錘體定向錯誤和染色體不穩定的機制及其調控結直腸癌發生之角色 Mechanism of Tight Junction Protein ZO-1 Mediating Spindle Misorientation, Chromosomal Instability and Its Role in Colorectal Carcinogenesis 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University 郭瑋庭 Kuo, Wei-Ting CDG
應用於頸源性暈眩症患者的創新前庭功能評估 Novel Evaluation of Vestibular Functions for Clients with Cervicogenic Dizziness 高雄醫學大學 Kaohsiung Medical University 郭藍遠 Guo, Lan-Yuen Timothy IRG
高齡志工提供社區式長照服務之能力需求調查與培訓課程發展、介入及成效評量 Older Volunteers’ Competence Assessment and Training for Community-based Long-term Care Services 高雄醫學大學 Kaohsiung Medical University 陳桂敏 Chen, Kuei-Min IRG
以非放射性二倍影像來評估幹細胞之軟骨分化及關節修復 Evaluation of Chondrogenesis and Cartilage Repair via Second Harmonic Generation Imaging 高雄醫學大學 Kaohsiung Medical University 陳崇桓 Chen, Chung-Hwan IRG
探討第一型干擾素活化之狼瘡腎炎病人於先天免疫檢查點低下驅動「中性球胞外網狀結構」引發腎臟受損的機制 Investigating the Mechanism of the Loss of NLRP12 Expression in Affecting NET Mediated-kidney Damage through IFN Signature in Lupus Nephritis Patients 國立陽明交通大學 National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University 陳斯婷 Chen, Szu-Ting IRG
發展介白素19號抗體免疫療法以及利用單細胞轉錄體分析方法解析膠質母細胞瘤的腫瘤外圍免疫抑制機轉 Develop IL-19 Antibody Immunotherapy and Unravel Immunosuppressive Mechanism in Peritumoral Region of Glioblastoma by Single Cell Transcriptome Analysis 臺北醫學大學 Taipei Medical University 陳震宇 Chen, Cheng-Yu IRG
腫瘤相關之髓細胞生成在前列腺癌之骨轉移進程中的角色及具潛力之干預措施。 The Role of Cancer-associated Myelopoiesis in Tumor Progression of Bone Metastatic Prostate Cancer and Potential Interventions. 中央研究院 Academia Sinica 陳繪名 Hui-Ming, Chen IRG
情緒效價與情緒處理對人類同理心的調節機轉 Modulation of Emotional Valence and Emotion Processing in Human Empathy 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University 曾明宗 Tseng, Ming-Tsung IRG
人體胰臟病變組織在發炎微環境之整體變化分析 3-D Human Pancreatic Lesion Analysis: Duct, Islet, and Neurolymphatic Alterations in Inflammation 國立清華大學 National Tsing Hua University 湯學成 Tang, Shiue-Cheng IRG
深度學習輔助之超低數據tau腦神經正子造影 Deep Learning-enhanced Ultra-low-count Tau PET Neuroimaging 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University 程子翔 Chen, Kevin Tze-Hsiang CDG
囊性纖維化蛋白的結構藥物設計 Structure-Based Drug Design for CFTR Chloride Channel 國立陽明交通大學 National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University 黃自強 Hwang, Tzyh-Chang IRG
於多中心臨床場域擴展一中風居家上肢復健方案: 執行與療效評量 Scale-out of a Home-based Arm and Hand Exercise Program for Stroke: A Multisite Implementation-efficacy Trial 長庚大學 Chang Gung University 楊婕淩 Yang, Chieh-ling CDG
開發可模組化 four-way junction RNAi 骨架自動生產包裹系統於乳癌標靶多重基因靜默與免疫檢查點封鎖治療之應用 Development of a Modular Four-way Junction RNAi Scaffold Automatic Production and Packaging System for Targeted Multi-gene Silencing and Immune Checkpoint Blockade Therapy in Breast Cancer 國立中山大學 National Sun Yat-Sen University 楊閎蔚 Yang, Hung-Wei IRG
解析cetuximab 抗藥性造成頭頸癌微環境重塑與免疫檢查點抑制劑抗性之分子機轉與臨床意義 Deciphering the Mechanism and Clinical Significance of Cetuximab Resistance-mediated Microenvironmental Remodeling and Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Resistance in Head and Neck Cancer 國立陽明交通大學 National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University 楊慕華 Yang, Muh-Hwa IRG
靶向腫瘤基質內質網蛋白TXNDC5作為大腸直腸癌新型治療標的 Targeting ER Protein TXNDC5 in the Tumor Stroma: Implications for Tumorigenesis and Therapy against Colorectal Cancer 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University 楊鎧鍵 Yang, Kai-Chien IRG
心臟老化: 以Cisd2 作為目標開發治療老化心臟衰竭的新穎藥物 Cardiac Ageing: Development of Novel Therapeutics for Age-related Heart Failure Using Cisd2 as a Molecular Target 長庚醫療財團法人 Chang Gung Medical Foundation 葉集孝/ (李靜琪) Yeh, Chi-Hsiao/ (Lee, Jinq-Chyi) IRG
新穎致病基因INSC及不對稱分裂調節基因群透過控制微管穩定性調節周圍神經退化之機制研究 Investigating ACD Regulators (INSC/LGN/PAR3) in Mediating Microtubule Stability for PNS Degeneration 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University 詹智強 Chan, Chih-Chiang IRG
心肌缺血相關第一型干擾素誘導機制之分子研究 Molecular Studies of the Myocardial Ischemia-associated Type I Interferon Induction 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University 劉旻禕 Liu, Helene Minyi IRG
免疫鋒:結合生物材料免疫療法與超音波聲穿孔投藥技術,進行腔內聯合療法以治療固體腫瘤 Immunofoam: an Innovation for Intracavitary Combination Therapy to Solid Tumors Using Biomaterials-assisted Immunotherapy and Sonoporation-enhanced Drug Penetration 中國醫藥大學 China Medical University 劉彥良 Liu, Yen-Liang CDG
思覺失調症其血管粥狀化與先天免疫系統之單核球/巨噬細胞和抗精神病劑的關聯性 The Association among Monocyte/macrophage of the Innate Immunity, Antipsychotics Exposure, and Vascular Atherosclerosis in Schizophrenic Disorder 臺北醫學大學 Taipei Medical University 蔡尚穎 Tsai, Shang-Ying IRG
剖析與調控免疫突觸蛋白交互作用體以促進伽瑪-德爾塔T細胞之癌症免疫治療療效 Decoding and Modulating the Immune Synaptic Interactome for Gamma Delta T Immunotherapy in Cancer 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University 蔡幸真 Tsai, Hsing-Chen IRG
探討罕見心臟疾病: 多聚醣體肌肉病變症之病理機制及治療藥物 Modeling Rare Cardiac Disease of Polyglucosan Body Myopathy1 and Exploring Its Underlying Molecular Mechanisms 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University 蔡素宜 Tsai, Su-Yi IRG
腸肺軸的失衡導致非結核分枝桿菌肺病的易感受性: 專注其免疫機轉和腸道菌叢恢復的幫助 Imbalanced Gut-lung axis in Developing Susceptibility to Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Lung Disease: Focusing on the Immune Mechanisms and the Effect of Restoration in Gut Microbiota 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University 樹金忠 Shu, Chin-Chung IRG
以時序基因共表現網路探索並分析促進心臟再生的調控因子 Characterize Novel Regulators of Heart Regeneration Revealed by Comparative Time-ordered Gene Coexpression Network (TO-GCN) 中央研究院 Academia Sinica 賴時磊 Lai, Shih-Lei IRG
開發促進酮體代謝途徑藥物以利組織回春與再生作用 Targeting the Ketogenesis Pathway for Tissue Rejuvenation 中央研究院 Academia Sinica 謝清河 Hsieh, Patrick Ching-Ho IRG
剖析細胞定向遷移的時空調控:從生物學到發展臨床治療 Decipher the Spatiotemporal Regulation of Directional Cell Migration: From Biology to Clinical Therapies 長庚醫療財團法人 Chang Gung Medical Foundation 謝森永 Hsieh, Sen-Yung IRG
開發具有醫療價值的胱氨酸結二聚體蛋白成為長效型單鏈分子 Engineering of Therapeutic Cystine-knot Dimeric Proteins into Long-acting Single-chain Molecules 國立陽明交通大學 National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University 羅清維 Luo, Ching-Wei IRG


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